Recent Events (Page 16)

God Coming Down Christmas Choral Celebration

Come join us for a wonderful time of worship and praise to our Savior on December 17th and 18th at Midway Baptist Church. Our choir will be leading us in a worship celebration service called “God Coming Down.” Please bring your family and friends as we celebrate our God coming down to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and…

Trunk or Treat

We are calling ALL heroes for this year’s Trunk Or Treat at Midway Baptist Church on Monday night, October 31st from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Everyone is invited to a fun, family friendly, and Christ-centered event. Free hot dogs, car trunks and families decorated for our Heroes theme, and lots of candy! *Church Family Participants: Do you have a great idea to create a trunk using our “Hero” theme this year? Ballots will be cast and a prize given to the…

Judgement House 2016

Judgement House is a ministry of Midway Baptist Church that presents the Gospel through a walk-through drama that depicts the stories and truth of people’s choices versus the earthly and eternal consequences. This year’s theme, “Changed,” tells the story of Noah Nelson, an average teenager who enjoys partying and bullying, is changed when he decides to give his life to Christ. Unfortunately, most of the people he surrounds himself with, including his own mother, are not too thrilled with his…

GPS 10 (September 26, 27, 29th)

GPS 10 is a ministry tool of Midway Baptist Church to fulfill our vision and calling to reach the people of our community with the life-changing message of the Gospel. You may serve in 3 areas: Reach Up (Prayer), Reach Out (Church and Community Ministry & Evangelism), and Reach In (Meal Teams & Church Projects). Please be in prayer as you think about how you would like to help serve. Meals will begin at 5:00 pm with church projects and…

Celebrate Recovery 5K Fun Run/1 Mile Walk

Get ready for our 2nd Annual Celebrate Recovery 5k Fun Run/1Mile Walk on Saturday September 24th! Registration begins at 7:00 am. The race starts at 8:00 am, and the mile walk begins at 8:15 am. Early Registration is due September 16, 2016 ($25 including an event shirt). Otherwise, it will be $30 including an event shirt while supplies last. There will be race awards for each group division (ages 11+). All proceeds benefit Midway Baptist’s Celebrate Recovery ministry. Celebrate Recovery…

Share Your Faith Workshop (Evangelism Explosion Training)

Share Your Faith Workshop from Evangelism Explosion International introduces a Gospel presentation that’s easy to learn and hard to forget. The workshop will be presented by Randall Wood and held on Saturday, August 27th from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm. Registration begins at 8:30 am. The cost is $15 per person and includes lunch. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the hall. To sign up online, click here.

Vacation Bible School 2016

Midway Baptist Church will have VBS July 11-15! This year’s theme, “I Believe” reminds children who Jesus is and why we believe in Him. VBS will be from 6:15pm – 8:45pm each night (Monday through Thursday). Our Friday Family Night will be at 6:30pm. VBS at Midway is for all children ages 3 through graduated 8th grade. 5K Fun Run [Not a valid template]

Easter Morning Breakfast

We will have an Easter morning Breakfast immediately following our Sun Rise Service. The menu will include: Scrambled Eggs Grits Biscuits and Gravy Bacon Sausage Bread Pudding Baked Oatmeal Fruit Coffee Orange Juice Chocolate Milk

Sun Rise Service

We will have a Sun Rise Service on the property, weather permitting. In case of rain the service will be held in our sanctuary. The Service will be followed by a breakfast in the Family Life Center.