Baptist Children’s Home Offering & Speaker – Jim Edminson
Midway’s giving goal this year is $1200. We will receive the offering and welcome a special speaker from BCH on Sunday, November 25th. Jim Edminson, editor of BCH publication Charity & Children, will be with us during the morning service. Please be in prayer for this wonderful opportunity.
Veterans Day Program & Meal
Veterans of Polk County are invited and may bring one guest for a FREE Meal. Space is limited and reservations are required! For reservations: There is a signup sheet for church family on the bulletin board in the hall. Or, you may call our church office at 828.894.5633 to make your reservation. Sunday, November 11, 2018 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Family Life Center
“Tell The Story” Trunk or Treat
Join us as we spread God’s word in this fun way! Church Family, pick your favorite Bible story and bring it to life! A signup sheet is available. We will accept donations for individually wrapped candy and trunk participants will bring their own. Please signup to participate & bring candy donations by October 28th.
Judgement House “59 Minutes”
Midway Baptist Church invites you to attend Judgement House, a walk-through drama that portrays real-life decisions that result in eternal consequences. Live Presentations: Friday, October 19th 6:30 – 9:00 pm Saturday, October 20th 6:30 – 9:00 pm Sunday, October 21st 5:00 – 9:00 pm Reservations are recommended! To make a reservation please call the church office at 828-894-5633 or email [email protected]. Please give us your name, the number of people in your group, your preferred night and time and a phone…
Night of Praise!
Join us for an inspirational Night of Praise as we celebrate the different missions our church has served in throughout 2018 such as Baltimore Mission, Camp New Life, and others that have gone on mission trips during the year. Join us to hear how Jesus is moving in our community, our country, and our world!
Back To School Prayer Walk
Polk County Schools begin August 27th. We will have a Prayer Walk to cover each school in prayer. We will begin here at Midway then groups will go to their assigned schools. Everyone will be participating (no classes).
Outdoor Baptism & Family Cookout
Everyone is invited to our annual Outdoor Baptism Service & Cookout! Sunday, August 19th at 6:00 pm at our Camp New Life property. Grilled burgers and hot dogs will be prepared. We will need drinks, chips, sides, and desserts. A signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the hall. Anyone that would like to be baptized please contact Pastor Peter, Sean, or the church office.
Fellowship On The Hill & Movie “I Can Only Imagine”
Invite your friends to this evening of fun and family outreach! We will have Hot dog roast, S’mores, and Field games all “on the hill” at our New Life Property from 5:00 pm to 6:45 pm on Sunday, July 29th! Then at 7:00 pm in the Family Life Center we will show the movie “I Can Only Imagine”. A gripping reminder of the power of forgiveness, ‘I Can Only Imagine’ beautifully illustrates that no one is ever too far from…
Youth Unity Night
All area youth and youth groups are invited to join us for Youth Unity Night. We will have First Baptist Mayo Worship Team leading us in worship! We will have activities, worship and a meal after the service. Contact Sean McKaig or the church office for more information.
NC Baptist Men Disaster Relief Team
NC Baptist Men Disaster Relief Team has set up their ministry headquarters in the Family Life Center here at Midway Baptist Church. These men and women are here to serve the residents in our county that have experienced flooding and mudslides. If you need help, please come to the church to register for their assistance. Or if you or your organization would like to help with this effort, please call Mr. Chatty Dodd at 757-681-4096. He is the leader of…
Calm My Anxious Heart – Ladies Bible Study
“Calm My Anxious Heart” Bible Study on Mondays at 6:30 pm! All ladies, 16 years of age and older, are invited. This Bible Study by Linda Dillow will help you to learn to trust God with your “What ifs” and “Whys”. Even though we want to be content and trust God, we can still feel overwhelmed by worry. Filled with encouragement and practical help for overcoming anxiety, this Bible study for women explains what God says about contentment and offers ways to…
Midway Baptist Church Homecoming
Sunday, May 6th – 78th Anniversary Celebration During this special service, we will celebrate God’s using our church to accomplish His mission & purpose. Service will be at 11:00 am. A “Covered Dish Lunch” to follow in the Family Life Center. Everyone bring your favorite dish or dessert to share. Then our annual Harmon Field Fellowship & Softball game at 4:30 pm. All of the offering received during the Homecoming Service will be designated to missions and ministry work throughout…
Serve Saturday
Serve Saturday – April 28th A Day of Ministry & Missions in Polk County Breakfast begins at 8:00 am – Ministry at 9:00 am There are 7 areas of ministry: 1. Car Maintenance Team 2. Meal Ministry Team 3. Wood Cutting Team 4. Photography Team 5. Gospel Sharing Team 6. Children’s Ministry Team 7. Hair Cutting Team Choose your area of service. Signup sheets are on the GPS – Serve Saturday Bulletin Board We need many volunteers to make this a successful…
So Will I
Our exciting sermon series entitled So Will I – Walking As Jesus Did Each week we will learn about the many things Christ did and how he impacted this world as He lived and ministered during His 33 years on earth. He set the example for us to follow today.
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Please prayerfully consider what you can give! Our church goal is $3,800. The offering will be received on Easter Sunday, April 1st.
Easter Sunday Schedule
Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 am at New Life Property (Houston Road) Breakfast 7:30 am Family Life Center Sunday School 9:45 am Worship Service 11:00 am Make plans to join us on Easter Sunday, April 1st as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!