View this video from the 21:50 mark to the 34:05 mark for the video version of the guidelines below.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Worship Service 8:30 am – Sanctuary
Physical Distancing with Limited Seating
Sunday School Classes (All ages) 9:45 am *Masks are encouraged in the smaller classes
Worship Service 11:00 am – Sanctuary
Physical Distancing with Limited Seating – Overflow in FLC
No Sunday Evening Service
7:00 pm – Sanctuary
Youth – FLC & Children’s Classes – Main Building
Beginning Sunday, July 5th
Temporary Schedule – On-Campus Worship
Worship Service 8:30 am – Sanctuary
Physical Distancing with Limited Seating – Overflow in FLC
Sunday School Classes (All ages) 9:45 am
Worship Service 11:00 am – Sanctuary
Physical Distancing with Limited Seating – Overflow in FLC
Sundays 6:30 pm – Outdoor Service – New Life Property
* 3 Identical Services on Sundays to accommodate everyone due to physical distancing guidelines.
7:00 pm – Sanctuary
Youth – FLC & Children’s Classes – Main Building
Guidelines As We Move Forward
1) Remain at home and enjoy the worship services online if you are sick, your child/family members are sick, or if fearful/uncomfortable
2) Physical distancing (at least 6 feet apart) from family to family will be observed for inside and outside services and activities
Families will be seated by deacons inside to ensure numbers remain at or below 60 people/physical distancing observed
Enter/Exit only through the main sanctuary doors.
Offerings will be received at the end of the worship services as you exit. No plate passing
Bulletins will not be printed for the immediate future. You can receive a digital version through requesting one by emailing [email protected]
3) Overflow room in the FLC is provided if our numbers are over 60 for any Sunday/Wednesday worship service
Please call ahead 828.894.5633 or email [email protected] as space is limited prior to coming to an indoor worship service. Office hours are currently Tuesday 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm & Wednesday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
4) Thorough cleaning of the sanctuary, restrooms, and any classrooms used during indoor meetings immediately following services
5) Each Sunday School Class (Ages Youth and up) may meet inside or outside as each class determines for the month of June. You may consider using digital platforms and larger buildings like the FLC or Adult Ed Building for meeting to ensure physical distancing. Contact your teachers about your class meeting.
6) Youth group will meet outside on the New Life Property on Wednesday night, June 3 at 7pm for fellowship/Bible Study and will continue this pattern of meeting for at least the next few weeks. Parents are welcome to attend.
7) Celebrate Recovery Ministry has a targeted date of continuing meetings for Thursday nights beginning June 4th
8) Please pray for us as we move forward. These are plans that have been prayed over, discussed, and prayed over again. While we are doing the best we can to respect one another’s personal space and health, we need your help in observing the above guidelines.
9) Continue to reach out to one another and minister as you have pre-COVID 19, during COVID, and even now as we begin to meet again for worship. Love your neighbors, meet one another’s needs, and share the Gospel right where you are.
* All future dates are subject to change